Secure and Safe Software
Secure and Safe Software
Security and safety is the process of securing against cyberattacks carried out by malicious actors who wish to steal sensitive data or disrupt operations, as well as safeguarding information and solutions against accidental loss and improper handling. This also includes physical safety protocols like strong passwords, multi-factor authentication and encryption.
The most important factor in ensuring a secure and safe product lies in the design phase. Ideally, a business will integrate security into the software development life cycle (SDLC) rather than putting it as an afterthought. It should be included in the planning phase, long before the first line of code is written.
It is essential to clearly identify and set security requirements. Developers must be educated to develop according to these specifications. They should also use the best tools to discover weaknesses when testing. They should also employ secure coding techniques, communicate standards to third parties and verify compliance. It is vital to safeguard the product following its release through transparent vulnerability reports, and secure forms of authentication that are phishing-resistant.
Finally, companies can make use of automated SAST instead of manually looking over their code to ensure compliance with MISRA. A tool like Klocwork will help reduce time and provide an efficient, consistent method for evaluating MISRA compliance. Learn more about this effective method of preventing MISRA violations in your software by registering for a trial version of Klocwork. This will help you protect your products, brands and customers from cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
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